30 Years in the Making
Wagyu were originally a Japanese Draught animal, selected for their physical endurance, which in turn led to the development of fat deposition within the muscle(intramuscular fat) – Know as marbling in meat, which is used an energy source by the animal.
Wagyu were originally a Japanese Draught animal, selected for their physical endurance, which in turn led to the development of fat deposition within the muscle(intramuscular fat) – Know as marbling in meat, which is used an energy source by the animal.
The word WAGYU, when literally translated is ‘ Wa ‘ for Japanese – like, ‘gyu’ meaning cattle. There are several strains/breeds that have developed over more than 35,000 years from Asiatic Bovines. There have been influenced by infusion of genetics from different Western Breeds within certain prefectures during the modern era.
The first purebred animal to arrive on Australia shores was in 1990. By 1993, the first fullblood WAGYU cattle had arrived in the US-Michifuku, Haruki 2, Suzutani, Rikitani and Okutani, giving the Australian and US herds greater genetic diversity. In all, a total of 221 fullblood WAGYU cattle were exported from Japan in the period 1990 – 1997.
Thirty years on, Australia has the highest number of Wagyu outside Japan. Within Australia, The three major black Wagyu strains are from the Tajiri or Tajima, Fikoyoshi(shimane) and Kedaka(tottori) regions, while the two red strains are Kochi and Kumamoto.
Similar to Japan, approximately 95% of WAGYU production in Australia uses Japanese Black genetics, with Red WAGYU accounting for a small volume of production.
Today, the production of Wagyu beef in Japan is highly regulatedand progeny testing is mandatory. Only the very best proven genetics are kept for breeding. Realising the value of their unique product, the Japanese government have now banned the export of WAGYU and declared them a national treasure.
WAGYU beef is finding its way into the repertoires of gourmet cooks and fine restaurants across Australia and the world
WAGYU beef is finding its way into the repertoires of gourmet cooks and fine restaurants across Australia and the world
What makes it so distinctive over other beef breeds is its eating quality and taste. Described as buttery , silky, tender and juicy , the unique properties of WAGYU beef are unsurpassed creating demand as a luxury product.
Abundant fine marbling, which is the unique fat characteristic of WAGYU, is distributed evenly throughout the muscle. Comprised mostly of monounsaturated fats, its have a low melting point and when cooked , distributes evenly through the meat for that unique sweet and extra juicy flavor.
With a range of cuts to suit a range of cooking styles, Wagyu is finding flavor in high-end steak restaurants to low and slow barbecue for the both Western and Asian- inspired dishes.
Australia’s reputation for ‘clean and green’ has ensured a storing demand in the markets in many overseas destinations including Asia, Middle East and Europe, while the Australia interest in WAGYU continues to grow.
There is significant expertise surrounding the production of WAGYU beef with Australia having the largest WAGYU herd outside of Japan. WAGYU carcases yield a high proportion of premium cuts, commanding significant returns over and above any other beef breed.

The Australian production WAGYU involves highly integrated supply chains that seek to optimize production quality from seedstock to retail.